As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. We are always here to talk about any other products you are considering or discuss any of your puppy's needs; these are just a list of our personal favorites. We have every single thing listed here, and we stand behind them as having worked for us.
Dog Supplies from Amazon
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These zip-up beds are wonderfully sturdy and designed to be easy to wash in the washing machine. Plus, they have covers you can buy separately, so you only have to wash the cover. We absolutely LOVE ours!
These zip-up beds are wonderfully sturdy and designed to be easy to wash in the washing machine. Plus, they have covers you can buy separately, so you only have to wash the cover. We absolutely LOVE ours!
Understanding what makes a dog food "worthy" of being fed to your precious new baby is beyond frustrating. We understand that. It's OUR job, as your breeder, to be knowledgeable about individual ingredients, where they come from, how they're processed, what your puppy's nutritional needs are and how their food is metabolized. We stay on top of the dog food world by attending webinars presented by the top canine nutritionists in the country, so we know the good and the bad of the industry. We feed your puppy and your puppy's parents PawTree dog food because it checks all the boxes as an exceptional quality dog food, and if you know us, you KNOW we thoroughly research any product we endorse, especially the food we feed. We recommend you continue with this food, at least until your pup finishes most of its growing.
We're more than happy to help you research dog foods for yourself, if you should choose to change your puppy's food. Growing a healthy, happy, long-lived puppy is tedious, and as your breeders we want to do our best to insure we've started them out right.
Understanding what makes a dog food "worthy" of being fed to your precious new baby is beyond frustrating. We understand that. It's OUR job, as your breeder, to be knowledgeable about individual ingredients, where they come from, how they're processed, what your puppy's nutritional needs are and how their food is metabolized. We stay on top of the dog food world by attending webinars presented by the top canine nutritionists in the country, so we know the good and the bad of the industry. We feed your puppy and your puppy's parents PawTree dog food because it checks all the boxes as an exceptional quality dog food, and if you know us, you KNOW we thoroughly research any product we endorse, especially the food we feed. We recommend you continue with this food, at least until your pup finishes most of its growing.
We're more than happy to help you research dog foods for yourself, if you should choose to change your puppy's food. Growing a healthy, happy, long-lived puppy is tedious, and as your breeders we want to do our best to insure we've started them out right.